Dragonball in Namekian Field Collection 🐉
Created in Blender 2.8/2.9. Rendered in Cycles. Edited with Affinity Designer.
I was immensely impressed with the first version, but there were issues that I could not ignore. I did not learn a lot about adding texture to objects yet, so the Dragonball was very flat. There were also two light sources present, which does not make any logical sense (lol). There was also weird shading applied to the star that I did not like too much. However, for my first personal project, I loved it.
After completing some more personal projects, and learning Blender better, I wanted to revisit this project and see if I can improve it. I believe I accomplished fixing the issues that was present in the original artwork with this updated version (v2). My only personal critique is to find a better way to texture the Dragonball, which I will only learn with time. Overall, I love this project just as much as the original.